Thank Yous and Competition Winners from the Year of Beef

Thanks To YOB supporters

A G…RHET big thank you to all the supporters of RHETs #YearofBeef. Without their support we would not have been able to complete this wide-ranging project and help inform school pupils from across Scotland about sustainable beef farming.

The #YearofBeef activities reached 190 000 school pupils across Scotland and the resources are still available at

Year of Beef Competitions

Design a Rosette Competition

Congratulations to Mia, P6, Shortlees Primary School, Kilmarnock who designed this fabulous rosette.


This beautiful rosette was presented to all the Champion Beef Cattle at this year’s Royal Highland Show.

Sponsors of this competition were Johnston Carmichael and Murray of Redden

Jenn Stewart of Johnston Carmichael Accountants said:

“We’re absolutely thrilled to be sponsoring the Royal Highland Education Trust’s rosette competition at the Royal Highland Show this year. As accountants and business advisers with deep roots in the rural sector, we are hugely supportive of the work RHET does to help young people learn more about farming and agriculture in Scotland. It’s been fantastic to see the enthusiasm and creativity of the talented young people who have submitted their rosette designs, and we’re looking forward to accompanying the winners on their visit to a local farm. It’s very rewarding to see the next generation showing such interest in and engagement with a sector that is so vital to Scotland’s economy.”

Compose an Acrostic Poem Competition

Congratulations to Bruce Guild, P6, New Cumnock Primary School who composed the poem below:

Scottish produce is the best of the best,
Catering for everyone- meat, dairy, veg and the rest,
Others may prefer a life of nine to five,
The farmers work all hours to keep us alive,
The challenges are now a daily concern,
Inside each farmhouse - new plans on how to earn,
Staying on top of everything gets harder each day,
Health of a farmer becoming a priority most will say,
Future farmers, learning how to care for their stock,
Around the country, at last shows are all the talk,
Rearing the top quality products in the land,
Meeting, competing and having fun go hand in hand,
Energy highs can quickly drop down to zero,
Rest assured a Scottish Farmer will always be a hero

This fantastic poem gives us a real feeling of what is involved in being a Scottish Farmer.

Sponsored by The Scottish Farmer

Both Mia and Bruce’s classes will receive a fully funded farm visit to one of The Royal Highland Education Trusts host farmers this academic year.