We offer a wide range of learning resources for Early Years pupils. You can find links to a wide range of resources in the list below.
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Resources that support interdisciplinary learning in school
Curriculum Organisers |
Experiences and Outcomes for planning learning, teaching and assessment |
Benchmarks to support practitioners’ professional judgement of achievement of a level |
Ideas, resources and links |
People, past events and societies |
I am aware that different types of evidence can help me to find out about the past. SOC 0-01a I have explored how people lived in the past and have used imaginative play to show how their lives were different from my own and people around me. SOC 0-04a |
SOC 0-01a / SOC 0-04a Look at some Past and present farming images. Links to SCN 0-20a, TCH 0-05a |
People, place and environment |
I explore and discover the interesting features of my local environment to develop an awareness of the world around me. I explore and appreciate the wonder of nature within different environments and have played a part in caring for the environment. SOC 0-08a While learning outdoors in differing weathers, I have described and recorded the weather, its effects and how it makes me feel and can relate my recordings to the seasons. SOC 0-12a |
SOC 0-07a SOC 0-12a Links to MNU 0-20a/b/c |
People in society, economy |
I am aware that different types of evidence can help me to find out about the world around me. SOC 0-15a By exploring my local community, I have discovered the different roles people play and how they can help. SOC 0-16a In real-life and imaginary play, I explore how local shops and services provide us with what we need in our daily lives. |
SOC 0-15a SOC 0-16a SOC 0-20a Links to TCH 0-07a, DYW |
Curriculum Organisers |
Experiences and Outcomes for planning learning, teaching and assessment |
Benchmarks to support practitioners’ professional judgement |
Ideas, resources and links |
The Food Experience |
Tasting, selecting and evaluating The social context Religious and cultural influences |
I enjoy eating a diversity of foods in a range of social situations. HWB 0-29a
HWB 0-29a The social context Religious and cultural influences Links to MNU 0-20a/b/c SCN 0-12a |
Developing Healthy Choices |
Linking food and health Decision making |
Together we enjoy handling, tasting, talking and learning about different foods, discovering ways in which eating and drinking may help us to grow and keep healthy. HWB 0-30a |
HWB 0-30a Decision making Links to SCN 0-12a, MNU 0-20a/b/c Link to water volume measurement – MNU 0-11a. Estimating and measurement |
Keeping Safe and Hygienic |
Principles of food safety and hygiene Minimising risk Preparing food safely and hygienically |
I am becoming aware of how cleanliness, hygiene and safety can affect health and wellbeing and I apply this knowledge in my everyday routines such as taking care of my teeth. HWB 0-33a
HWB 0-33a Minimising risk Preparing food safely and hygienically |
The Journey of Food |
From farm to fork Sustainability Influences on consumer choices Preparing food appropriate to learning |
I explore and discover where foods come from as I choose, prepare and taste different foods. HWB 0-35a |
HWB 0-35a Sustainability Influences on consumer choices Links to SCN 0-01a and 0-03a |
Food and Textile Technologies |
Creativity Design Dexterity Problem solving Developing appropriate items |
I enjoy exploring and working with foods in different contexts. TCH 0-04a I enjoy experimenting with a range of textiles. TCH 0-04b
TCH 0-04a food TCH 0-04b textiles Links to HWB 0-29a, 0-30a |
Relationships, sexual health and parenthood |
Physical changes |
I am learning about where living things come from and about how they grow, develop and are nurtured. HWB 0-50a
HWB 0-50a |
Curriculum Organisers |
Experiences and Outcomes for planning learning, teaching and assessment |
Benchmarks to support practitioners’ professional judgement |
Ideas, resources and links |
Planet Earth |
Biodiversity and interdependence |
I have observed living things in the environment over time and am becoming aware of how they depend on each other. SCN 0-01a |
SCN 0-01a Links to HWB 0-35a, MNU 0-20a |
I have helped to grow plants and can name their basic parts. I can talk about how they grow and what I need to do to look after them. SCN 0-03a |
SCN 0-03a Links to HWB 0-35a |
Biological systems |
Body systems and cells |
I can identify my senses and use them to explore the world around me. SCN 0-12a HWB 0-47b |
SCN 0-12a HWB 0-47b Links to HWB 0-29a, 0-30a and MNU 0-11a |
Topical science |
Topical science |
I can talk about science stories to develop my understanding of science and the world around me. SCN 0-20a |
SCN 0-20a |
You can access all our food and farming math s resources in one place by clicking here
Curriculum Organisers |
Experiences and Outcomes for planning learning, teaching |
Benchmarks to support practitioners’ professional judgement of achievement of a level |
Ideas, resources and links |
Number, money and measure |
Estimation and rounding |
I am developing a sense of size and amount by observing, exploring, using and communicating with others about things in the world around me. MNU 0-01a |
MNU 0-01a |
Measurement |
I have experimented with everyday items as units of measure to investigate and compare sizes and amounts in my environment, sharing my findings with others. MNU 0-11a |
MNU 0-11a Links to HWB 0-30a, 0-29a, SCN 0-12a |
Information handling |
Data and analysis |
I can collect objects and ask questions to gather information, organising and displaying my findings in different ways. MNU 0-20a I can match objects, and sort using my own and others’ criteria, sharing my ideas with others. MNU 0-20b I can use the signs and charts around me for information, helping me plan and make choices and decisions in my |
MNU 0-20a /0-20b MNU 0-20c Links to HWB 0-29a SCN 0-01a SOC 0-12a |
Curriculum Organisers |
Experiences and Outcomes for planning learning, teaching and assessment |
Benchmarks to support practitioners’ professional judgement |
Ideas, resources and links |
Food and Textile |
Food and Textile |
I enjoy exploring and working with foods in different contexts. TCH 0-04a I enjoy experimenting with a range of textiles. TCH 0-04b |
TCH 0-04b Textiles Links to HWB 0-29a, 0-30a |
Technological Developments in Society and Business |
Awareness of technological developments (Past, Present and Future), including how they work. |
I enjoy playing with and exploring technologies to discover what they can do and how they can help us. TCH 0-05a |
TCH 0-05a Links to SOC 0-04a, SCN 0-20a |
Impact, contribution, |
I understand how local shops and services use technologies to provide us with what we need and want in our daily lives. |
TCH 0-07a Links to SOC 0-20a, DYW |
Craft, Design, Engineering and graphics |
Design and constructing models/product |
I explore ways to design and construct models. TCH 0-09a |
TCH 0-09a |
Explore uses of materials |
I explore everyday materials in the creation of pictures/models/concepts. TCH 0-10a |
TCH 0-10a |
Representing ideas, concepts and products through a variety of graphic media |
I explore and discover different ways of representing ideas in imaginative ways. TCH 0-11a |
TCH 0-11a |
Application of Engineering |
I explore a variety of products covering a range of engineering disciplines. TCH 0-12 |
TCH 0-12 |